Cyanotype Images


To make a cyanotype image an object or photographic negative is placed on a paper which has been treated with ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide, after which it is exposed to sunlight and then washed in water. The result is that the the uncovered areas of the paper turn a dark blue.

The early cyanotype images were photograms, a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto light-sensitive photographic papers and exposing it to light.
Anna Atkins chose to use this method for what is considered to be the first work with photographic illustrations, namely her Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (1843).

I shall use a combination of processes – ready prepared cyanotype papers, home made photo-sensitive paper and Photoshop.

First experiments are with Photoshop.

I’ve found several methods from the simple to very complicated. The first image of the bottle above was the result of programming an action for automatically making cyanotypes on photoshop.  I already do not like that as it is too dark and will result in every image being exactly the same hue.

The second image is of Peony. This colour I think is nearer to what can can be acheived with the light sensitive cyanotype paper. I’ve desaturated the image, used an edge filter, a gradient map and a blend mode to acheive the cyanotype colour. These is a bit simpler and allows more flexibility with the colour and hues.

First tries with chemicals…